
gyroscreenGyrosâ„¢ develops and markets an automated nanoliter-scale immunoassay platform for bioanalytics, including assays for toxicology, drug metabolism, biomarkers, product quantification and impurities. Its’ Gyrolabâ„¢ platform is based on proprietary compact disc (CD) technology, enabling miniaturization in nanoliter volumes and workflow automation for reaction times in minutes. Nanoliter-scale innovation provides assays exhibiting wide dynamic ranges, minimal matrix interference, throughput and efficiencies in time and personnel.

Current methods, such as ELISA, inadequately meet the current demands to improve productivity and efficiency as a result of increased workloads in support of multiple programs with limited resources and personnel. Nanoliter-scaled immunoassays on Gyrolabâ„¢ workstation supports higher throughput quantitation of product titer at all stages of development and more efficient impurity analysis. Rapid time to results provides data driven decisions in less than 1 hour for 112 data points in a 200 nl CD, while eliminating manual liquid handling and incubations to improve overall assay robustness.


Gyros Product Webinars:

Impurity testing and analysis for downstream purification

Product Quantification