Author Archives: Kiran Chin

Commercialization Frameworks for the Biopharma Ecosystem

Kiran Chin, managing partner and CEO, MKA Insights Chin began her presentation by introducing her company and its focus on helping bioprocess, life sciences, clinical diagnostics, and gene therapy companies accelerate growth. Although there is no shortage of information on data processes, Chin has found that many companies lack focus on some fundamentals that drive commercialization strategies. Companies tend to dive in without asking basic questions: Why do we exist? What are our capabilities? What is the technology that we…

Breaking Through the Noise: An Approach to Differentiating Your Business

When multiple businesses sell the same type of item, why do customers buy from one supplier rather than another? How are vendors able to break through the “white noise†of an industry to stand apart and get noticed? The current bioprocessing and cell therapy vendor markets, about 50,000 vendors are selling to biomanufacturers, universities, and research institutions ( How do those suppliers get noticed? Market-leading suppliers have established brands that allow them to cross-sell, up-sell, and engage in deep selling.…

Frameworks and Strategies for Commercialization Success in the Biopharmaceutical Ecosystem

The “biopharmaceutical ecosystem†is a multibillion-dollar industry that encompasses large and small drug companies; ancillary providers of services, technologies, equipment, and infrastructure support; and tertiary groups that provide policy direction, regulatory standards, incubator space, and more. This ecosystem is vast and dynamic, evolving constantly as new ideas take hold to push the industry in new directions and present new opportunities for innovation and commercialization. However, many companies operating within this ecosystem struggle to understand their development and commercialization strategies, and…

Global Biotech Expansion Demands Drive Local Manufacturing Needs

As major economies in the Asia–Pacific region continue to increase focus on healthcare modernization, new opportunities for both global and local biopharmaceutical companies are being created. Such opportunities are driving demand for local sourcing of raw materials to ensure security of supply. Modernization of Healthcare Drive Opportunities for Biopharmaceutical Firms Recent modernization of healthcare by governments has seen China pledge 124 billion to improve its healthcare system to provide insurance to 90% of its residents (1). South Korea introduced a…