Genderless Sterile Connectors: How They Can Increase Efficiency, Saving You Time and Money

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PrintStandardizing equipment in biopharmaceutical production streamlines operations, saving end users time and money. An area ripe for standardization is the use of genderless connections, those in which the connector halves are identical in design. Historically, single-use connections have involved male and female halves, but using two different parts can create several inefficiencies and complications, such as

  • Increased ordering complexity
  • Greater risk of specifying the wrong system or connection, resulting in downtime and last-minute adjustments
  • Longer lead times
  • Increased stocking requirements

COL-451_BPI_AppNotePhoto_1800wThinBy standardizing single-use genderless connectors, end users can accomplish more with fewer finished goods, save time, reduce overhead costs, and get their biopharmaceutical products to market more efficiently. Benefits include

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