Wednesday, March 24, 2021 Daily Archives

How to Improve the Capturing of Antibody Fragments

Some of the latest promising biopharmaceutical drug substances are antibody fragments. Antibody fragments are either separate functional subunits of antibodies or recombinant molecules, which, just like antibodies, are composed of immunoglobulin domains. These drugs offer several therapeutic advantages over conventional monoclonal antibodies. Upstream processing for antibody fragments is easier than it is for standard antibodies. Recombinant-based antibody fragments can be modified to meet specific needs of affinity, avidity, valence, and action mode. They also can be produced in prokaryotic cells…

Spain’s mAbxience boosting biologics capacity with 4,000 L SUB

Biosimilar maker and CDMO mAbxience will install an ABEC 4,000 L CSR bioreactor at its site in León, Spain. mAbxience, the biologics division of Spain’s Insud Pharma group, claims its León plant is “the biggest biologic plant in Spain and the first in Europe with fully integrated single-use technology in most processes.†Now the site is set to get bigger, with a 4,000 L single-use bioreactor (SUB) system expected to be installed in the coming months, which, according to the…

Selexis teams with Tallac in latest cell line deal

Selexis has entered a cell line development partnership with Tallac Therapeutics to advance immunotherapies used to treat cancer. Both companies have signed a service agreement and a commercial license agreement to strengthen Tallac’s Toll-like Receptor Agonist Antibody Conjugate (TRAAC) platform. The platform allows “systemic delivery of a differentiated and targeted TLR9 agonist (T-CpG) for immune activation.†The collaboration will also see Tallac employ Selexis’ SUREtechnology platform, which is used to advance the research cell banks to enable immunotherapy candidates that…