eBook: Cancer Vaccines ⁠— Innovation Fuels an Immunotherapy Renaissance

cancer vaccine developmentDespite early successes a decade ago, cancer vaccines designed to deliver peptides or proteins — or nucleic acids encoding those antigens — generally have fizzled out since then. As a result, cancer vaccine development and the field of immunotherapy lost some traction overall. But as freelance contributor Jim Kling describes in this eBook, new innovations in product design, testing, and manufacturing are fueling a renaissance in cancer vaccine development. From checkpoint inhibitors to neoantigens, immune regulators, and beyond, companies are exploring many modalities and technological strategies to make them work. What combinations of vaccines, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and so on will provide cancer patients with the best results? Researchers remain optimistic as the detailed biology of tumors and our human immune system continue to be revealed.

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Based in Bellingham, WA, Jim Kling (jkling@gmail.com) is a freelance science writer with a background in organic chemistry and two decades of experience covering topics from biotechnology to astrophysics to archaeology. His credits include WebMD, The Washington Post, Scientific American, Technology Review, and Science magazine. He also occasionally writes science fiction. Find him on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimkling.