Author Archives: Vikas Gupta

Implementing a Single-Use Solution for Fill–Finish Manufacturing Operations

    Fill–finish is the final operation in manufacture of sterile products (except for terminally sterilized products). This process requires sophisticated technology and machinery in a highly controlled, aseptic environment. Fill–finish assemblies must meet stringent requirements to ensure flow-path sterility and integrity, ensure operational safety and efficiency, and provide fill-volume accuracy to exacting requirements. Traditional fill–finish machinery comes as fixed systems comprising complex components that require assembly, cleaning and sterilization, disassembly, and material storage after filling is complete. Those operational…

Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility

As the adoption of single-use products continues to grow at a very fast pace in the biopharmaceutical industry, customers and suppliers are becoming increasingly aware of the potential impact of these products on the net environmental footprint of operations. At Millipore, a key goal is to design and manufacture products with the lowest carbon and water footprints possible and to ensure that these products are managed in the most environmentally friendly way. Millipore’s sustainability vision calls for the company’s operations…

Road Map to Implementation of Single-Use Systems

        The Bio-Process Systems Alliance (BPSA) is an organization of equipment suppliers, service providers, and users in the biopharmaceutical industry whose shared mission is to facilitate implementation of single-use technologies in biomanufacturing processes. A key focus of BPSA’s core activities is to educate users and develop guides that help safeguard the quality of drugs and therapies produced with single-use process technologies. As an extension of its technical guides and white papers, BPSA realized the importance of developing…