Author Archives: Shawn Barrett

Targeting Desired N-Linked Glycosylation Profiles Through The Use Of Glycosylation Enhancing Feeds And High Throughput And High Resolution N-Glycan Analysis By Multi Capillary Electrophoresis

Glycosylation is a key product quality attribute for many biotherapeutic proteins expressed in CHO cells. N-linked glycans may display macro- and micro-heterogeneity; the degree of this variation can depend on several factors, including cell line, media/feeds, and process. As a consequence, it has often been challenging to achieve and maintain preferred glycosylation profiles from cell culture development through bioreactor scale-up. In order to address these challenges, we have developed a new feed technology in conjunction with a unique fed-batch process…

Fed-Batch Cell Culture Process Development: Implementing a Novel Nutrient Additive for a Robust, High-Titer, Scalable Process

The fed-batch culture of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells has become well established as the primary method of manufacturing therapeutic recombinant protein products for various disease indications. Fed-batch process-development approaches focus on supporting high–cell-density cultures that are crucial to achieving high product titers but lead to proportionately high nutritional demands. Exhaustion of key nutrients negatively affects cell growth and ability to produce recombinant proteins. To counter that problem, concentrated feeds are added to the culture. Such feeds tend to be…