Author Archives: Naoki Yamanaka

Development of Novel Cellulose Based rProtein A Capture Resins for Improved Workflow Effective Mab Purification

A new product development approach will be described here for the affinity capture of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) from cell culture materials using a novel base stable rProtein A ligand with up to six available Fc binding sites. The resin is based on a stable cellulose bead structure with excellent flow properties combined with the affinity ligand immobilized at multiple sites to yield a robust next generation MAb capture resin with a high level of binding capacity. These resins have been…

Development of a Next Generation Cellulose-Based High Capacity rProtein A Capture Resin for High Throughput MAb Purification in Both Batch and Continuous Purification Formats

A new product development approach will be described for the affinity capture of Mab’s from cell culture materials employing a novel base stable rProtein A ligand. Using a stable cellulose base bead with excellent flow properties coupled with a novel immobilization methodology, a next generation rProtein A capture resin has been developed with a high level of antibody binding capacity. The new Cellufine™ rProtein A resin shows C20% dynamic binding capacity (DBC) of >50 mg/ mL with polyclonal antibodies at…