Author Archives: Mark Marrano

Tools For Early-Stage Purification Development of Filtration Operations

Detailed early-stage development of filtration unit operations is critical to achieving a robust and reliable full-scale process. Despite the importance of this type of development work, fully evaluating a specific unit operation often can be difficult because of time constraints and a lack of material available for experimentation. As a result, a laboratory must have the proper equipment required to conduct efficient, high-throughput experiments. PendoTECH® has developed the ideal tools to address these types of challenges and enable laboratories to…

Purification Control Systems for Every Step of the Development Process

Early stage development of biological unit operations is critical to ensuring an efficient and robust commercially viable process. Often, the types of experiments required in early stage development are arduous tasks that require extensive testing of different critical process parameters, filters, and other essential production components. Such testing inherently produces massive amounts of data that must be carefully analyzed. To streamline the development process and optimize operational efficiency, PendoTECH has developed a full offering of control systems specifically designed for…