Author Archives: Cenk Sumen

Mapping Success for Commercial Cell Therapy Manufacturing

Commercializing cell therapies can be much more challenging than commercializing traditional pharmaceuticals and biologics. Cell-based drug products are significantly more complex than protein or small-molecule drug products. Their mechanisms of action and product attributes are also more complex. Cell therapy product attributes rely heavily on the associated manufacturing processes. Process changes can influence products in ways that may not be discernible until their effects on efficacy effects become evident. Product characterization is critical, but cell therapy products are living organisms…

The Path to Commercial Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Developing a Strategic Roadmap

The road from conception to commercialization of a cell therapy is long, complex, and resource-intensive. To be successful, a cell therapy product must be manufactured to high quality standards using a robust, cost-effective process in a manner that will scale to meet demands and be sustainable over the commercial life of the product. Read the full text of this application note in the PDF (Login required).

Are You Ready for a Tech Transfer? Part 2: Overcoming Obstacles and Implementing Best Practices for Cell Therapy Technology Transfer

In part 1 of this two-part series, we outlined common challenges of technology transfer that are unique to the cell therapy industry and discussed strategies for success (1). Here, we delve even further into best practices and highlight key strategies for technology transfer that should be considered along the path to success. Creating a strong foundation for technology transfer will streamline clinical manufacturing processes and help position therapeutic products for long-term success. Below are key criteria for success. Confirm Transfer…

Are You Ready for a Tech Transfer? Part 1: Challenges and Critical Factors for Success in Cell Therapy Development

Cell therapies offer enormous promise for treatment of a range of conditions by replacing damaged tissue or leveraging the body’s own resources to heal itself. Not surprisingly, the cell therapy industry is growing rapidly and is poised to have a major impact on healthcare and disease treatment. The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) has reported on the robust state of the industry, noting that revenue from cell-derived products grew from US$460 million in 2010 to $1.3 billion in 2013 (1).…