Author Archives: Brian Caine

From the Publisher: Thanks for the Ride!

By the time you read this, I will have officially called it a career at BioProcess International. Over 18 years — where did the time go? In many ways it feels wrong to be writing this — too soon, with too much still to do. But deep down, I know the timing is right. Professionally, it’s time to turn the reins over to the competent, experienced, and tireless staff you already know — either personally or through the pages of…

Getting the Most in Training for New Technologies

A BPI Theater Roundtable at Interphex 2016 On Wednesday, 27 April 2016, BioProcess International and the Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center (BTEC) at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC) presented an afternoon training symposium in the BPI Theater at Interphex 2016. Brian Caine, BPI’s cofounder and publisher, offered some opening remarks: “The purpose of these theaters and BioProcess International magazine is to talk about trends and their combined impact on bioprocessing. With the tremendous amount of new technology and products,…

Moving Toward a Continuous Future

During the March 2016 BPI West conference in Oakland, CA, BPI publisher Brian Caine and I had an opportunity to meet with Michael Egholm, PhD, Vice President and General manager of Biopharmaceuticals at Pall Life Sciences. We are pleased to be able to share his thoughts about Pall’s support of continuous processing — and the company’s current offerings. Montgomery: Not everyone seems to be defining continuous processing in the same way. What is your general concept of it? Egholm: At…

Center of Excellence

Enabling Continuous Processing Using a Step-by-Step Approach

Mario Philips is Vice President and General Manager of Single-Use Technologies at Pall Life Sciences. In February, he spoke with BPI publisher Brian Caine and editor in chief Anne Montgomery about Pall’s commitment to enabling continuous processing and its development of single-use technologies. In that discussion, he addressed some major process bottlenecks and Pall’s solution to them, including centrifuge replacements by continuous acoustic wave separation, continuous chromatography with multicolumn chromatography technology platform, and a simplified version of tangential-flow filtration. Read…

From the Publisher

Today’s competitive financial and market conditions demand that biopharmaceutical companies constantly innovate and create to deliver on promised milestones. In addition to strengthening and improving robust monoclonal antibody (MAb) and other protein pipelines, a number of biopharmaceutical companies are significantly investing, developing, and broadening their research and development efforts and product pipelines with what many are calling the “next generation†of biopharmaceuticals. Those include antibody–drug conjugates (ADCs); biosimilars and biobetters; cell, gene, and tissue therapies; and vaccines and immunotherapies. In…

Welcome to the 2015 BioProcess Theater and Zone!

Not too long ago, many bioprocessing professionals perceived the annual BIO International Convention as an event about biotechnology business, financial matters, investing, and partnering — and until not too long ago, for the most part, that was correct. In 2007, the Biotechnology Industry Organization and BioProcess International formed a partnership to create a dedicated destination where bioprocessing professionals could learn about the latest technologies and trends in biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing. Thus was born the BioProcess Theater and Zone. Every…

Designing Single-Use Solutions for the Future: A Conversation with Christel Fenge

Recently, BPI publisher Brian Caine and editor in chief Anne Montgomery had the opportunity to talk with Christel Fenge, Sartorius Stedim’s VP of marketing for fermentation technologies, in the Göttingen, Germany, Sartorius facility. They began by talking about fermentation technology, a topic that led them to touch upon a number of key issues in the biopharmaceutical industry. Fermentation Technology Caine: Because this special issue focuses on fermentation technology, let’s begin by talking about some recent technological improvements and what impact…

Total Solutions Support the Growth of a Dynamic Industry: A Conversation with Reinhard Vogt and Stefan Schlack

While attending a conference at Sartorius Stedim Biotech in Göttingen, Germany, BPI publisher Brian Caine and editor in chief Anne Montgomery spoke with Reinhard Vogt (executive vice president of marketing sales and services, and member of the administrative board) and Stefan Schlack (senior vice president, marketing and product management). They discussed Sartorius’s forward-thinking business strategies, its position as a total solution provider, and how the company’s strategic goals mesh with its assessment of current industry directions. Single-Use As an Enabling…

Thinking Strategically

At the recent Phacilitate Gene and Cell Therapy Conference (27–29 January 2014 in Washington, DC), BPI’s editor in chief Anne Montgomery and publisher Brian Caine spoke with Richard Grant, executive vice president, life sciences, at Invetech (; and Brian Hanrahan, program manager at Invetech. They and their colleagues were instrumental in advising us how to bring ongoing discussions of regenerative medicines into BPI four years ago for the first Cell Therapy Supplement issue. We asked them to comment generally on…

From the Publisher and Editor

      At about this time of the year, 10 years ago, the four founders of BioProcess International were in arguably the most creative period of their lives. By the middle of 2002, we began designing our collaborative production and operating processes with our new Informa colleagues (then Eaton Publishing). We were assembling author and advertising contacts pretty much from scratch, trading opinions about page designs, building a manuscript pipeline, choosing fonts (something those outside of publishing might not…