Author Archives: Alison D. Center

Emerging Markets: Current Insights into the State of Global Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing

Opportunities for establishing strong biopharmaceutical capabilities are expanding across the globe. This e-book seeks to encapsulate the current state of emerging markets/countries, tracing key elements above and offering examples to show where (in the world) the biopharmaceutical industry is expanding and securing its footholds. Generally, to succeed in these markets, foreign companies must exercise efficient resource management and control, show creativity and receptiveness to cultural differences, develop new strategies, and manage expectations. Working with local partners can provide access to…

Emerging Biotherapies and Their Manufacturing Challenges

A BPI Theater Roundtable at the 2016 BIO Convention On Tuesday, 7 June 2016, Patricia Seymour (senior consultant in process development at Bio Process Technology Consultants) chaired a lunchtime roundtable titled, “Emerging Bio-Therapies and Their Manufacturing Challenges.†She brought together a panel of three industry experts: Mark Angelino (senior vice president of pharmaceutical sciences at BlueBird Biotechnology) Andreas Weiler (global business unit head of emerging technologies at Lonza) Chris Chen (chief executive officer of WuXi Biologics). Mark Angelino (BlueBird Biotechnology)…

On-Demand Product Development Teams

A BPI Theater Roundtable at the 2016 BIO Convention On Wednesday, 8 June 2016, Joshua Speidel (managing director of the commercial practice team at the Latham Biopharm Group) chaired an afternoon roundtable titled, “On- Demand Product Development Teams.†He brought together a panel of four experts: Matt Rebold (director of business development at ICON Imaging and Technology — West Coast) Paul Jojorian (global head of technology transfer for Patheon Biologics) Eiry Wyn Roberts (vice president of research and development for…

BPI Theater at the 2014 BIO Convention

When we launched the BioProcess Theater series at the Biotechnology Industry Organization’s International Convention in 2007, we hoped that our special programming would fill a need within that event’s exhibit hall. We wanted to bring into the hall the type of technical presentations that are not generally part of the main event’s more executive-level, business-focused programming.It has therefore been especially gratifying to see our attendance growing every year — such that standing-room-only is becoming more the rule than the exception.…

Industry Experts Convene in New York to Discuss Latest Innovations: A BPI Special Report

As the biopharmaceutical industry continues to mature and grow, so too does the need to educate a broader audience of biopharmaceutical professionals interested in hearing, understanding, and applying the latest science and technology trends that support and in many cases are transforming today’s bioprocesses. To reach this extended and engaged audience, BioProcess International created the BPI Theater Series: a live, interactive program that provides bioprocessing content to traditional, noncore biopharmaceutical conference programs. It provides attendees with the opportunity to interact…