Author Archives: Pim Hermans

Rapid Implementation of Novel Affinity Purification: Manufacture of Commercial-Scale Next-Generation Antibody Therapies

The rapid and cost-effective production of conventional monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) for clinical trials and commercial supply has contributed toward their wide adoption. Production processes have become more efficient because common purification processes are being used across structurally similar MAbs during key steps of process development and manufacturing. Such successful platform approaches can remove unwanted impurities and are stable across processing conditions, irrespective of the MAb being purified. In addition, they are readily available at the required volume to support large-scale…

Innovative Downstream Purification Solutions for Viral Vectors: Enabling Platform Approaches to Advance Gene Therapies

Over the past decade, gene therapy applications and their importance in the biopharmaceutical industry have been increasing. Gene therapies promise versatile treatment options that could revolutionize and transform medicine. As treatment modalities, they offer the possibility of long-term and potentially curative benefits to patients with genetic or acquired diseases. Gene therapies are designed to treat disease by delivering genetic material that encodes a protein with a therapeutic effect into a patient’s cells. It can be used to replace a missing…

Affinity Chromatography Applications with Single-Domain Antibodies

Figure 1:  Current downstream processing strategies for recombinant proteins often require multiple chromatographic steps, which may lead to poor overall product yields. Product purification can be especially difficult when a target protein displays reduced stability, has isoforms or misprocessed variants, or needs to be purified from a complex mixture containing a high level of impurities. Through highly specific antibody–antigen based interactions, affinity chromatography brings significant technical advantage to these protein purification challenges. Developed to tackle such challenges, CaptureSelect™ technology is…

Novel Affinity Ligands Provide for Highly Selective Primary Capture

    Downstream processing of biopharmaceuticals is costly and time-consuming, often involving multiple steps with significant time and energy expended on maximizing product quality and yield. Affinity chromatography is one of the simplest and most effective methods for purifying protein and peptide therapeutics, offering reduced process steps and therefore higher yields than nonaffinity methods can provide. Protein A is widely used for affinity purification of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), Fc fragments, and Fc fusion proteins. But it is a challenge to…