Author Archives: James Brady

Complex Protein Production with MaxCyte’s ExPERT Platform for Streamlined Cell Engineering

Complex proteins present a range of production challenges, including low expression levels, degradation, aggregation, a high degree of posttranslational modifications, and the need to use multiple or large expression plasmids. They also can lead to challenges in producing multi-subunit proteins with correct folding and subunit ratios. MaxCyte’s ExPERT platform for cell engineering alleviates those challenges by facilitating the production of complex proteins with high efficiency and cell viability in your cell line of choice. This technical note summarizes four applications…

Gram-Scale Transient Antibody Production and Stable Cell Line Generation Using Flow Electroporationâ„¢ Technology

MaxCyte’s delivery platform is a universal, high-performance transfection technology that significantly reduces risk and shortens biotherapeutic development timelines by enabling researchers to Perform early-stage development in the biomanufacturing host cell to ensure identification of high quality, biorelevant candidates Expand the use of transient transfection for faster candidate identification Make rapid and more informed go/no-go decisions through in-depth candidate characterization using transiently produced materials, thus reducing investments associated with stable cell line generation Expedite the transition to biomanufacturing through improved stable…

Large Scale CHO Transient Gene Expression Using Flow Electroporation

Researchers have turned to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)–based transient gene expression (TGE) as an alternative to CHO stable cell line production for early stage antibody development. Despite advances in transfection methods and culture optimization, most CHO-based TGE systems produce antibody titers (low mg/L) that are insufficient for full use in biotherapeutic development pipelines. MaxCyte electroporation is a universal, transient transfection platform with unmatched quality, flexibility, and scalability and the capacity to transfect up to 2 × 1011 cells in under…