Author Archives: Steve Gorfien

Targeting Desired N-Linked Glycosylation Profiles Through The Use Of Glycosylation Enhancing Feeds And High Throughput And High Resolution N-Glycan Analysis By Multi Capillary Electrophoresis

Glycosylation is a key product quality attribute for many biotherapeutic proteins expressed in CHO cells. N-linked glycans may display macro- and micro-heterogeneity; the degree of this variation can depend on several factors, including cell line, media/feeds, and process. As a consequence, it has often been challenging to achieve and maintain preferred glycosylation profiles from cell culture development through bioreactor scale-up. In order to address these challenges, we have developed a new feed technology in conjunction with a unique fed-batch process…

Rapid and Simple Sample Preparation for High Throughput, High Resolution and Sensitive Glycan Analysis by Capillary Electrophoresis

Here, we report the simple and rapid GlycanAssureâ„¢ workflow that combines high throughput and high resolution glycan analysis of 96 samples in 7-9 hours using Applied Biosystemsâ„¢ 3500xL 24-capillary electrophoresis system. The process eliminates vacuum drying and highly toxic cyanoborohydride in the labeling reaction. Use of Dynabeadsâ„¢ magnetic beads for glycan purification post deglycosylation and removal of free dyes after labeling streamlines the process for automation. Capillary electrophoresis can detect less than 0.2 fmol/μL of labeled glycans. Two proprietary fluorescent…

Fed-Batch Cell Culture Process Optimization

Most biopharmaceutical production platforms are based on fed-batch cell culture protocols, which can support high volumetric productivity while maintaining low operational complexity (1). The industry is interested in developing or refining high-titer cell culture processes to meet increasing market demands and reduce manufacturing costs (2). Although advancements in cell engineering have enabled development of high-performing recombinant cell lines (3,4,5,6), improvements in cell culture media and process parameter settings are required to realize the maximum production potentials of those cells (7,–8).…