Author Archives: Patricia Greenhalgh

Efficient Virus Clearance Across the MilliporeSigma Downstream Purification Portfolio

The downstream purification process of any biologic has several objectives: purity, yield, and safety for humans or animals. A critical component of safety assurance is reducing virus to levels that meet stringent regulatory requirements. Virus reduction can be achieved through multiple complementary approaches and most processes rely on a combination of technologies that are designed primarily to achieve purification targets, but may also offer opportunities for virus reduction. The purpose of this project was to establish capabilities for producing a…

Viral Clearance in Antibody Purification Using Tentacle Ion Exchangers

Manufacturers strive toward cost-effective purification of target molecules and a high level of confidence that their biologics are safe and not compromised by the presence of endogenous retrovirus-like particles or adventitious viruses (1). Reliable reduction of viral particles throughout downstream purification processes must be ensured through different techniques such as chemical treatment, filtration, and chromatography. Common monoclonal antibody (MAb) purification schemes use both cation- and anion-exchange chromatography steps (CEX, AEX). Although CEX (to remove product- and process-related impurities) is not…