Author Archives: Jiali Liao

Ask the Expert November: New High-Performance AEX Resin for Purification of Large Biomolecules

On 20 September 2018, Jiali Liao (principal scientist in process chromatography R&D at Bio-Rad Laboratories) led a BPI “Ask the Expert†webinar introducing the high-performance, high-capacity Nuvia HP-Q Anion Exchange Resin, which can be used for purifying large biomolecules. Liao’s Presentation Purifying large biomolecules — e.g., plasma proteins, immunoglobulins, viruses, virus-like particles (VLPs), and PEGylated proteins — can be difficult. Their size makes for slow diffusion through the pores of traditional chromatography resins and poor mass-transfer kinetics, which decreases binding…

Nuviaâ„¢ S Media

          Increased productivity and reduced costs continue to be the driving forces in process development. Recent advances in upstream processes have dramatically improved the productivity of cell culture fermentation. However, prolonged fermentation and high concentration of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) at harvest may also lead to product degradation and/or aggregation. Clearing these unwanted by-products remains one of the main challenges in downstream processing of therapeutic MAbs. Media with high binding capacity for target molecules and significant resolution…