ZAP-CHO: A Powerful New CHO Cell Culture Supplement

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Figure 1:

ZAP-CHO enhances performance of mammalian cell culture by optimizing cell growth and reducing apoptosis, leading to higher antibody production yield. It achieves these performance advantages in commercial media, especially chemically defined media and serum– or animal-component–free media. Because ZAP-CHO is defined and free of animal components, it is an ideal additive for cell culture media formulations.

ZAP-CHO is an important breakthrough in mammalian cell culture operations. Previously, the performance seen with ZAP-CHO required the use of hydrolysates, FBS (fetal bovine serum), BSA (bovine serum albumin) or plasma-derived HSA (human serum albumin). However, those components can cause unwanted variability or concerns about adventitious contamination of infectious pathogens. ZAP-CHO eliminates these concerns because it optimizes cell culture performance and is a defined component that is completely free of animal components.

ZAP-CHO is used for faster cell line development and seed train expansion as well as to optimize bioreactor performance.

ZAP-CHO Advantages

  • Faster cell line development and seed train expansion

  • Maximize growth

  • Extend viable cell longevity

  • Optimize antibody productivity

  • Reduce operating costs

  • Save on capital investment

Figure 2: