Friday, April 15, 2022 Daily Archives

China: US auditors can examine US-listed companies in policy change

China plans to furnish US auditors with full access to the financial records of China companies that have US listings. The change seems to solve a looming crisis between the two countries, as the US is currently threatening to de-list all China companies that closed their financial documents to US auditors. The revised regulation will allow scrutiny of China-based companies’ books, while detailing how to handle national security information, which will remain protected. The new policy was announced earlier this…

Akron Bio launches plasmid DNA plant in Florida

Akron Bio says the facility in Sarasota will support the growing demand for gene therapies and vaccines. In March 2020, Akron Bio – a supplier of biomanufacturing media and consumables – acquired a 60,000 square-foot biomanufacturing plant from Cambryn Biologics for an undisclosed fee. At the time, the firm told us that “with only minor adaptations, this plant will allow us to rapidly scale our existing products such as cGMP cytokines and media, while also establishing new lines of business…