Monday, August 9, 2021 Daily Archives

Advanced Instruments buying cell line dev tech firm Solentim

Advanced Instruments will add antibody and cell-based therapy workflow tech through the acquisition of Solentim. “The coming together of Advanced Instruments’ and Solentim’s core technologies, will be a powerful combination in support of clonal cell line development,†Byron Selman, CEO of Advanced Instruments, said. “With Solentim, we are acquiring innovative technologies that will enhance our ability to support customers in these workflows. We are also adding to our technical capabilities with the addition of imaging, advanced AI capabilities and automation…

MilliporeSigma: ‘Viral vectors will dominate the next decade’

Conversations like this usually happen on the floor of exhibition centers. But with face-to-face events remaining in limbo, BioProcess Insider spoke virtually with MilliporeSigma’s head of cell and gene therapies Jerry Keybl about the future of viral vectors.   Keybl has been looking after the business for over four years and is focused on driving industrialization to make sure that MilliporeSigma has the solution from a product and service prospective. Bioprocess Insider (BI): What are the complexities of manufacturing viral…