Tuesday, March 16, 2021 Daily Archives

Industry hot for cold chain technologies, says thermal packaging firm

Cold Chain Technologies has scaled-up capacity after seeing an unprecedented demand for its services during the coronavirus pandemic. The thermal packaging solutions company, Cold Chain Technologies is part of the US government’s Operation Warp Speed (OWS) vaccine distribution plan and director of Corporate Development, Jamie Chasteen told BioProcess Insider it has seen a “huge bump†in demand since COVID-19. To meet this demand, the firm opened a manufacturing plant in less than eight weeks in Lebanon, Tennessee in November 2020…

Thermo Fisher rolls out 3,000 and 5,000 L single-use bioreactors

Strong demand for large-scale single-use systems has driven Thermo Fisher to launch bioreactors with capacities beyond the standard limits. Single-use bioreactors have become a staple in the bioprocess industry, both for clinical and commercial batches. Traditionally, these have been restricted in size due to pressure challenges from the increased weight of the liquid medium in larger volume bags with 2,000 L being the upper limit. Thus, if biomanufacturers require larger volumes, they generally would run several systems in unison or…