Friday, April 10, 2020 Daily Archives

Novel R&D approaches and the need for flexibility make single-use key in tackling COVID-19

Manufacturers are unlikely to look to traditional stainless-steel systems when developing COVID-19 vaccines despite the very high doses potentially needed, says MilliporeSigma. The list of biopharma companies rapidly developing vaccines is growing in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Moderna Therapeutics has a messenger RNA (mRNA) in Phase I trials, Inovio Pharmaceuticals’ DNA vaccine entered human trials last week, while others including Novavax, which is developing a vaccine based on its recombinant protein nanoparticle platform, are racing towards the…

Cytiva on board for University of Queensland COVID-19 vaccine project

Cytiva – formerly known as GE Healthcare Life Sciences – will develop a prototype affinity resin to support a COVID-19 vaccine candidate being developed by the University of Queensland A team from the University of Queensland (UQ), Australia is working on a fast-tracked vaccine for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, using its molecular clamp’ technology. The platform tech, invented by UQ scientists and patented by UniQuest, aims to provide stability to the viral protein that is the primary target for our…