Tuesday, July 30, 2019 Daily Archives

Breaking Through the Noise – An Approach to Differentiating Your Business

In this presentation to the BPI Theater at BIO on Wednesday, 5 June 2019, Kiran Chin introduced MKA Insights, a new firm focused on helping bioprocess, life science, clinical diagnostics, and gene therapy companies accelerate their growth. Although there’s no shortage of information on data processes, Chin has found that many companies neglect fundamentals that drive commercialization strategies. Many executives dive in without asking basic questions — ones that Chin brings to the fore: Why do we exist? What are…

Big Pharma M&A a boon for business, says Thermo Fisher

Thermo Fisher says it is well positioned to benefit from recent M&A activity within the biopharma space: Takeda and Shire, BMS and Celgene, AbbVie and Amgen. So far, 2019 has been a big year for Big Pharma megamergers. Takeda completed its $62 billion (€56 billion) takeover of Shire in January, Bristol-Myers Squibb is moving closer to joining with Celgene in a $74 billion deal, and last month AbbVie entered an agreement to buy Allergan for $63 billion. The biopharma space…

DNA Encoded Library Platform at WuXi AppTec

On Wednesday, 5 June 2019, Letian Kuai delivered a presentation to the BPI Theater at BIO about the role of machine learning in drug design. In many cases, Kuai said, drugs are developed by accident. Researchers are beginning to leverage artificial intelligence to make those accidents occur more quickly and predictably. To that end, WuXi has developed a DNA encoded library (DEL) platform based on combinatorial chemistry principles and bolstered by artificial intelligence. This technology, Kuai suggests, could enable unprecedented…

China Biopharmaceuticals: Increasing In-Bound and Out-Bound Investments

Eric Langer, President of BioPlan Associates, joined the BPI Theater at BIO on Wednesday, 5 July 2019, to report recent movements in China’s biopharmaceutical markets. In collaboration with the Society for Industrial Microbiology (SIM) and 102 different authors from around the world, BioPlan conducted a peer-reviewed analysis of the factors driving product development in China. Results showed that market data are not the biggest factor; it is the high incidence of cancer diagnosis and death. Considering this great need and…

Germany’s Merck fully prepped for a ‘worst-case scenario’ Brexit

Merck Life Science says it has undergone Brexit preparations to limit supply chain issues if the UK leaves the European Union without a deal in place. In 2016, a referendum in the UK resulted in a slight majority of an ill-informed electorate to vote to leave the European Union (EU). Three years on and with no agreement in place as it stands, the UK is set to leave the bloc and the single-market economy on October 31 without any arrangements…