Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Daily Archives

Working Together to Keep Drugs Safe

    The growing and dangerous counterfeit drug problem is a troubling, global epidemic that can — and does — harm patients who are merely trying to get well. Efforts to address the problem are hamstrung for a variety of reasons: Americans don’t see the immediate threat, this global public health problem needs a coordinated global response, and too many stakeholders are more focused on self-interest than on working together to find a solution. The Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM)…

Modeling Perfusion Processes in Biopharmaceutical Production

Biopharmaceutical manufacturing is mostly batch-based for a number of reasons: lower perceived contamination risks, batch-to-batch segregation, and historical legacy. Despite those reasons, perfusion is used by a number of biomanufacturers because it produces large product quantities using smaller bioreactors than would be possible with batch-based production.

Though perfusion-based production presents challenges that confound traditional models, it can create an environment in which many more factors can be influenced to directly optimize production. Read this case study to learn more about how perfusion can be used to create flexible, “just-in-time” facilities that respond to manufacturing conditions.