Reducing the Host Cell DNA Quantitation Bottleneck: Approaches for Improved Sample Preparation and Throughput

The removal of impurities arising from host cells used for the production of biopharmaceutical products is a crucial step in the purification process. Regulatory guidance for products produced in cell culture specifies that residual host cell DNA content in the final product should be as low as possible. Because of the low sample throughput typical of most quantitative DNA assays, host-cell DNA quantitation can become an analytical bottleneck during process characterization.

In this webcast, speakers will discuss a qPCR-based system for highly sensitive, accurate quantitation of residual host-cell DNA from a variety of cellular production systems, including Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO), E. coli and Vero cells. Case studies will be presented that demonstrate DNA recovery from highly complex test sample matrices, typical of those in biopharmaceutical manufacturing environments. Options for automated sample preparation, testing results from samples typical of a monoclonal antibody purification process and results from an external validation study, executed according to ICH guidelines, will also be reviewed.

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