October 2014

Preuse, Poststerilization Filter Integrity Testing for Single-Use and Stainless-Steel Installations

According to current European Union good manufacturing practice (EU GMP), integrity testing of sterilizing-grade product filters should be performed preuse poststerilization (PUPSIT) and immediately after use. In addition, PDA’s Technical Report 26 states that preuse integrity tests are preferably performed after filter sterilization. Performing an integrity test of an already sterilized product filter in-line requires wetting the filter while maintaining the downstream side sterile. The test gas must also be evacuted on the downstream side throughout testing maintaining sterility. The…

Banking Cord Blood for Stem Cell Research

Cord blood is becoming an increasingly popular and important topic of discussion among expectant parents. It comes from a newborn’s umbilical cord and contains hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which are the building blocks of a body’s blood and immune system. After a baby is born, cord blood is routinely discarded as medical waste — unless the parents choose to have what blood remains in the umbilical cord collected. Presently, more than 90% of cord blood is discarded, limiting the potential…