Author Archives: Zhi-Jie Jey Cheng, Denise Garvin, Aileen Paguio, Rich Moravec, Frank Fan, and Teresa Surowy

Paired ADCC Reporter Bioassays Enable Differentiation of Antibody Fc Effector Activities via V158 and F158 Variant FcyRIIIa Receptors

Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) contributes to clinical efficacy of a broad range of therapeutic antibodies. FcγRIIIa polymorphism of individual cancer patients are correlated with clinical efficacy of some of these antibody drugs. Classic ADCC cytotoxicity assays rely on primary effector cells, which are highly heterogeneous and variable. To quantitatively measure antibody activity and evaluate the impact of FcγRIIIa polymorphism, we developed a pair of reporter-based ADCC assays using two engineered effector cell lines in Jurkat that stably express an NFAT-RE driven…