Author Archives: Cynthia Wooge

Using a CMO for Your ADC: Access Analytical and Manufacturing Platforms, Specialized Facilities, and Expertise

[Audio Recording] Antibody–drug conjugates (ADCs) are an exciting new area of therapeutics. They bring the “magic bullet” that was promised by Paul Ehrlich over a hundred years ago to reality by targeting cancer cells to deliver chemotherapies without poisoning a patient’s whole body. ADCs offer a promising form of therapy by providing higher safety margins than traditional chemotherapeutics alone, and they make selectivity possible. We should be able to personalize a therapy to the specific cancer expressed in a given…

Benefits of Using a CMO for Antibody Drug Conjugates

This podcast features: Cynthia Wooge, PhD, Global Strategic Marketing, SAFC This podcast was recorded based on a presentation given at the 2014 BioProcess Theater which took place at the 2014 BIO International Convention, June 23-26, 2014. The BioProcess Theater, a 50-seat amphitheater located on the exhibition floor at the heart of the BioProcess Zone, provided attendees with daily, complimentary opportunities to listen, learn, and interact with leading experts as they presented, discussed and debated the latest business and scientific trends…

Process Challenges of Antibody–Drug Conjugates

With two products now on the market, and a host of others in clinical trials, antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are slowly becoming a big business. Designed to deliver extremely active cytotoxic drugs that are otherwise undosable, they take advantage of the targeting ability of a specifically designed monoclonal antibody (MAb) to “shield†a highly potent API (HPAPI) as it travels through a patient’s bloodstream after administration. Once the antibody reaches its target on the cancer cell, it will release the payload,…