Author Archives: John Bonham-Carter

October 2014 Spotlight

RX-360 CHOOSES AUDIT LEADER Rx-360, a not-for-profit international consortium representing the world’s leading pharmaceutical and biotech organizations, announced in June a partnership wherein BSI Supply Chain Solutions would lead its international joint audit program. BSI will work with Rx-360 to streamline the audit process and ensure supplier compliance with quality and security standards through verification audits. Recognizing that globalization complicates quality and security of the supply chain, Rx-360 developed this program to allow multiple companies working with the same business…

A Brief History of Perfusion Biomanufacturing

    Today’s renewed interest in perfusion culture is due to an increased awareness of its advantages, some general improvement in equipment reliability, and a broadening of operational skills in the biomanufacturing industry. Some misperceptions persist, however, according to a 2011 review by Eric Langer (1). Our view here of the history of perfusion and fed-batch processes includes some discussion of technological process improvements and challenges that the bioprocess industry faces. A team of authors at Serono in Switzerland wrote…