Author Archives: Alain Fairbank

Enabling Cell Therapy Manufacturing

As this special Pall supplement of BioProcess International issue goes to press, progress continues in the field of cell therapy research. The revival of cell (and gene) therapy has been driven by some positive achievements that have occurred over the past decade. Cell therapy products differ in many ways from traditional small-molecular and biologic products. The main difference is that, contrary to traditional biopharmaceutical applications in which cells secrete the product of interest, in cell therapy applications cells are the…

Strategies for Microcarrier Culture Optimization

The process of delivering an allogeneic stem-cell therapy to patients requires isolation and expansion of rare tissue-specific stem cells, which are subsequently delivered to individual patients for treatment. One type of cell used for such therapies is commonly known as human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). They have been isolated from a number of tissues: e.g., bone marrow, heart, brain, placenta, and umbilical cord. And they have been shown to be immune-privileged in that hMSCs elicit no graft-versus-host (GvH) response such…

Designing the Most Cost-Effective Manufacturing Strategy for Allogeneic Cell-Based Therapies

Rapid progress is occurring in the field of stem cell therapy research, and increasing numbers of products will begin reaching the market in the near future. But new cell therapy treatments must fit into a competitive and highly regulated healthcare environment. Succeeding in that environment requires alignment between a company’s business model and its manufacturing strategy. Read the full text of this article in the PDF (Login required).

Considerations in Scale-Up of Viral Vaccine Production

    On 28 June 2011, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations declared the Rinderpest cattle plague virus to be the second troublesome virus (after smallpox) that humans have eradicated from the Earth (1). Such achievements herald exciting times both for classical vaccinology and for many new and developing technologies. Here we consider scaling up of vaccines and related hybrid, targeted, and conjugated viral therapeutics that are made through animal cell culture. The vaccine industry is now…