Author Archives: Andy Davies

Custom Affinity Solutions from Astrea Bioseparations

Astrea Bioseparations Ltd. (Astrea) is the only bioseparations company to offer ligand discovery and adsorbent development services coupled with manufacture and supply of bulk quantities of chromatography adsorbents and production of prepacked chromatography columns to good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards. Our synthetic affinity ligands have been proven over 30 years through numerous examples of successful discovery, development, and delivery of novel affinity adsorbents. Our technology is designed to capture and purify selective target biomolecules — including recombinant proteins, human plasma…

Discover, Develop, Deliver

Astrea Bioseparations is the only adsorbent supplier that can discover new affinity ligands designed to bind selectively to a molecule of interest or specific impurity, develop efficient purification adsorbents and downstream methods, and deliver industrial-scale adsorbents (up to 1,000-L batch sizes) as loose slurry or in good manufacturing practice (GMP)-ready columns. With over 30 years of experience in development of affinity products and design and manufacture of new custom adsorbents, Astrea Bioseparations is a world leader in its field. The…

Flow-Through Polishing and the Use of Multimode Ligand Libraries to Improve Process Efficiencies

Andy Davies, sales and marketing director, Prometic Bioseparations Davies began his presentation with a few words about his company, which for the past 30 years has provided a range of bioseparations products, including off-the-shelf and bespoke solutions. Prometic Bioseparations recently launched a number of semidisposable and disposable, prepacked, GMP-ready columns. The latest launch is a multimode mimetic (MMM) ligand library, which was the focus of his talk. Among a range of technologies, the least resolving technique is gel filtration, which…

Prometic Bioseparations Increases Manufacturing Capacity for GMP- Standard Chromatography Adsorbents

For over 25 years, Prometic Bioseparations Ltd (PBL) has produced chromatography adsorbents in batch sizes up to 280 L under cleanroom/good manufacturing practice (GMP) conditions at its Isle of Man (UK) manufacturing site. Following a sustained increase in demand for its chromatography products, PBL made the decision to expand its manufacturing operations to meet the projected future demand. During 2013, designs to expand the plant were developed. Between 2014 and 2017, a major investment focused on the expansion of PBL’s…

Prometic Bioseparations

Since 1987, Prometic Bioseparations Ltd. (PBL) has been pioneering the design, development, and manufacture of affinity purification technology for laboratory-scale and industrial-scale bioprocessing. With 30 years’ experience in the development of affinity products and design and manufacture of new custom adsorbents, PBL is a world leader in its field. PBL offers an extensive range of off-the-shelf bioseparation products for the recovery and purification of biologicals and the removal of problem contaminants. We also offer a range of semidisposable bioprocess columns…